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Next Dates 2025

February-March 10th. Individual retreats. San Miguel de Allende. Mexico
March 7-21. Walking the Soul Home. The Circle of 12. Centre of the Conscious Dream Mexico.
April/May. Individual retreats. San Miguel de Allende. Mexico.
June 7th. The Soul Journey Home through the Path of the Medicine Wheel. London. England.
June 9-16. Circle of 12. Walking the Soul Home. Near Glastonbury. England.
June 20-27. Circle of 12. Walking the Soul Home. Lithuania.
September 7-13th. Circle of 12. Walking the Soul Home. Massachussetts. USA
September 21-Oct 8th. The Art of Breathing. Andean vision and the Magic of being Conscious. Bolivia.
November 8-29. Practical Intuitive Shamanic Initiations. Centre of the Conscious Dream. Mexico.
December. Individual retreats. San Miguel De Allende.

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Centre of the Conscious Dream (Established 2000)
25 years of retreats in Mexico.

March 15-29 2025

Walking the Soul Home.
The Circle of 12.

We are working first of all with the body as a channel of your own soul. The soul passes through the life of this human body and many interferences prevent the body from being this clear channel for the soul’s journey home. Many souls do not pass through the human life but get caught in unresolved karma from their soul experience that they came here to resolve. We are focusing in the first two days on how to open the body as a channel and how to let go of the blocks which prevent us being an open channel for our own soul, looking to find the karmic resolutions still to be seen. This will entail opening to extending our dreaming bodies into both future and past stages of our soul journey, and learning how to release repeated memories we still hold in our physical form.

When the body is a channel for your soul, the soul can find its way home, and we are intending to experience the soul arrival whilst we are still in our human body, the deepest sense of homecoming.
We then move onto opening the body as a channel for souls. This is an act of service. There are many souls who are lost, disembodied and confused. The channels we make in the body, particularly in the ceremonial spaces we share, provide an opening and a calling for these souls to pass through and find their way home.

Walking the souls home.

This then opens us to be able to experience the natural vortex of the sacred mountain in the desert centre as a channel of souls, and not only human souls. We will open our human channel to the Earth channel and together breathe together the passage of times. In this way we will be able to connect with this planetary body and both witness and assist in the fluid relation between civilisations from stars to earth and from earth to stars.
Walking the Earth home.
In order to achieve this work as a useful channel, we will need to change perspective of our seeing. We will be looking and walking from the place of our star and of the stars from which we came and from which our essence is projected. Breathing from the star. This is a radical shift in the way we see ourselves and the way in which we see.
Walking the stars home.

The Circle of 12

The circle of 12 is a channelling circle. We are gathering as a circle for the channelling of the 12 opens portals. The work is for you, that is, the members of the circle, but it is also for this planet, and for consciousness. We work both inside and outside, on sacred sites and with each other. The relationship between circle members is important so there is some work also in listening to the tones of the other 11, and feeling or seeing their tone (colour and sound) in relation to ours. Harmonic resolution is our intent, and when we achieve this, we become very useful channels for the universe. The circle has many functions -

- healing of the members of the circle,
- healing of the place where we are dreaming
- healing of the culture and society
- opening up channels for the release of trapped souls
- re-activating old vortices, for example stone circles
- space and energy clearance
- opening time lines for the movements of souls
- facilitating the communication between the star and the earth
- re-connecting civilisations of the sky with this crystal rock planet.

Sometimes we work with specific issues that arise from the dreaming during the week, and there is always deep listening to sense where the movement of the circle should be going.

The circle essentially has a job to do. Its function is to channel the principle of the 12 original dreamers who dreamed the universe. The work is based on the world-wide traditions of the crystalline intelligence. The North American Indians have the tradition of the 12 dreamers who meet to connect with the 12 grandmother dreamers who dream from their position in the sky (stars). Their dreaming utilized also the crystal skulls to connect with the grandmothers. The Mayans have the tradition of the 12 crystal skulls, which when brought together, change the angle and vibration of the earth axis. The Australian Aboriginals also have this information in their mythology. Related to these traditions are in Japanese mythology, the 12 Gods create from the place of their celestial chairs on the 12 clouds, and in Vedic traditions, the hearts chakra is made of 12 petals.

The heart chakra is the means through which we open to the 12 original seeds of consciousness. The twelve are the means through which the unconditional transforms into the conditional. This unconditional energy, being free from the constrictions of both time and form, holds pure potential. This potential, sometimes called the seeds of change, when managed consciously, can bring fundamental healing. It is also the wave behind the creative movement. The circle of 12 dreamers develop themselves and their relation with each other on a subtle energetic level so that they are in the position to channel the unconditional for themselves as individuals, for the circle, for the land where they work, their culture, for humanity in general, for the planet earth, and for consciousness.

The facilitator creates spaces, particularly using sound and colour, in which the dreaming body can open up to these expanded states of seed consciousness. There are also specific ceremonies with the inner crystal skull in which the human has the potential to access the crystalline grid in the planet earth, and through this crystal clarity, the power in mind to connect with the 12 universal dreamers, breathers, seers.

The repercussions for this work for the individual is to develop a deeper understanding of harmonic resonance in their being, to develop their capacity as a seer. (The sight of the visionary is a metaphor. ‘Seeing’ can also include feeling, sensing and thinking.) This will help their healing abilities and their creative functions. There are also repercussions for the earth and for the sky, as in essence, the work enables the double-headed universal serpent (quetzalcoatl) to breathe into the planetary and human bodies, and this unconditional breath when brought into consciousness is a natural cause of change and movement towards a deeper level of conscious being.

Ceremony (inside and outside) Meditations. Movement. Creative expression.
During the week we will be travelling some days to outside energy power points in nature.

The Centre of the Conscious Dream.

The centre of the conscious dream is in the desert of San Luis Potosi at the end of the Wirrikuta pilgrimage route. Free from the distractions and interference of the city, it offers space and time. You can walk undisturbed in each direction and your eyes can wander uninterrupted to the horizon.

You can see a twenty minute video which gives the history of the centre and shows the area on the following link.


March 14. Your flight would need to arrive at this date. You will stay in Mexico city for this night (accommodation included).

March 15. Travel to the Centre of the Conscious Dream.

March 16. Start of our program.

In this retreat there is not a daily schedule already set since the work will depend on the circle. Please read the full description of the retreat. You will be doing some practices and ceremonies with the group and some by yourself in the desert. There will be movement (shamanic yoga), meditations, sound ceremonies, ceremonies in the desert spiral and ceremonies in the open desert. Some practices will be ongoing. We will also be meeting every day and looking at the dream of the night and the dream of the day. This program is very dynamic in the sense that the timing of the practices and ceremonies come out of your personal experience, and the group experience, which includes messages you and the circle receive in meditations and ceremonies. The program will include the following -

The Medicine Wheel.

The Healing Tree.

The Dreams held in Stones and Rocks.

Animal guides.

Human Teachers of the Dream.

The Dream of the Night and the Dream of the Day.

The Walk of Attention.

Finding your Power Point.

The Inner Crystal Skull

The 12 Keys.

Cacao ceremony.

Teacher plant ceremony.

The Human Channel

29 March. Return transport to Mexico City.


Daniel Stone

Daniel stone’s life quest has been to understand his ‘dreaming’. As a child, his dreaming experience at night was more real than his experience in the day. In order to try and find the bridge, he explored psycho-therapeutic theories (in particular Carl Jung) and artistic movements (painting, music, theatre, literature).
For ten years, he traveled widely, and It was through the shamanic path working with indigenous shamans, in particular, the Australian Aboriginals, Tibetan Buddhism (Bon shamanism), and the Toltec wisdom of central America, that he found a language that could bring together the night with the day. Life as dream.
He has received various initiations, in particular the crystalline intelligence (inner crystal skull), and holds dreaming circles in Mexico, North America, Europe and Australia. He founded the Mexican desert Centre of the Conscious Dream in 2000.

Daniel is the author of ‘the dreamer who dreams you’ (axis-mundi press), and ‘Chu-Ra – the change of time’ (Circle). He is an established international exhibiting artist and musician (
For information about his book, 'The dreamer who dreams you' publised by Axis mundi, go to this link -

Yuri Corzo

Yuri Corzo describes himself as a communicator. He is trained in Mayan and other native Mexican traditions. The basis of his teachings are the communications from the four elements. He specialises in Fire Ceremonies, Limpias (cleaning with plants), drum making, and sacred plant ceremonies. With his wife, he runs a retreat centre - Casa Tatiwari - near San Christobal de las Casas.


US $2650 Shared round house.

US $2950 Individual dome.

Includes transport to and from the Centre of the Conscious Dream from Mexico City (Or San Luis Potosi), hotel in Mexico city, all food, laundry, all accommodation in the Centre. Does not include your international flight.

To book on this retreat, for more information and for contacts of people who have done this retreat already please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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