
Sometimes there are people who need or want to take part in these life changing retreats, and do not have the means to do so. You could sponsor someone from a country in particular or a retreat or programme in particular. Your donation will have a deep impact on the lives of those who are enabled to be part of this work.

Make A Donation

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Next Dates 2024

April and May. 
Individual retreats.  Alcocer, San Miguel De Allende, Mexico.

Apprenticeship consultations and program begins.  (online)

June 29/30 and then till July 5th. 
Two day or week long event - walking the soul home.  Circle of 12.  Perthshire Scotland.

August 18th-25th. 
Circle of 12.  Walking the Soul Home.  New Hampshire.  U.S.A.

September 14-2nd October. 
The Art of Breathing.  Bolivia.

November 1- 23. 
The Twelve Keys.  Practical Intuitive Shamanic Initiations & Toltec and World Spiritual Traditions.  Centre of the Conscious Dream.  Desert of San Luis Potosi. Mexico.

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Individual sessions are given by internet, and at some of the venues of the courses.

Sessions by internet.
The focus is on helping you to develop your clarity in your vision, enabling informed decisions in all areas of your life, and to develop your healing and creative potentials.  Specific focus is given to each individual depending on their context.  These are the areas in which I can assist.

  • Developing your ability to communicate with natural energy resources so that you can utilise the free energies that are in your environment.
  • Developing your creative fire.  We can do this with specific creative projects if required.
  • Developing your healing abilities.  This can be for self-healing, or for healing in a professional capacity.  If you are already a professional healer, we look at ways in which you can develop the tools that you are already using in a more diverse, multi-dimensional context.  These sessions can also be taken as part of the Practical Intuitive Shamanic Training.
  • Clarifying your business plan or project.  In particular, we look at the four stages of the business model –
    The initial vision.
    The affirmation that the vision is both viable and also confirmation of your commitment to the vision.
    The manifestation of the vision.
    The renewal of the vision.
    This model works in all types of businesses, or professional contexts.
  • Developing the ability to see energies.
  • Developing your ability to make the links between the dream of the night and the dream of the day.

I work with you on a program which is individually developed with agreed aims for the period in which we work together.  You would need to commit to at least one hour of practise per day, which can be split into two half hour sessions if necessary.  There is no maximum limit to the practise if you want to devote more time to it.  

The minimum period would be six months, one session per month.

The sessions work as follows.

You write about your needs and issues and what it is you wish to achieve over the first six month period.

I journey on this information and from this journey I will give direct information and also will give specific practises. You write a diary of your practise, which can be in note form, or journal form, and at the end of the month, you either send the diary or a summary of it with any relevant questions.  From this information, I can make the second journey and give the next level of the work.  

The cost of the six-month course is £720 .

There is also the option of working with a dreaming painting or print, which would significantly help in the opening of your dreaming body.  Have a look at  These prints and paintings start from (please ask) and can be paid for over the course of the consultation period.  

If you would like to enter an internet one to one program, please write to Daniel Stone at

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Sessions at venues.

These sessions can be part of the process described above or can be one-off sessions.  In these sessions, you use my eyes.  As a metaphor, If you imagine as yourself as a sculpture and you look at yourself from one side, i look from the other side to give you more information about the sculpture – you.  There are different levels in which you can enter the session.

  • For healing of the physical body.   Specific physical issues.   1 hour
  • For healing of the emotional body.  Specific emotional issues. 1 hour.
  • For healing of the mental body.    Specific decisions or thinking problems.    1hour.
  • For healing of the dreaming body.   1 and a half hours.
  • General 1-3 above.   1 and a half hours.  

Please see the courses in your country and enquire at the venues if individual sessions are being given.  Or write to Daniel Stone at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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